18298 photos, 6 videos
Visitors 70193

Contact Info

AddressSan Diego, CA
United States
Daytime phone619-752-0835
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Pridmoria Photography & Videography is the merging of two photographic talents in one happily married couple!

We are Bryan and Crystal Pridmore, and we live in San Diego. We love taking pictures. Bryan likes the moving kind of pictures and Crystal likes the still kind, but we tend to cross over when the other needs a helping hand (awwww!). We also enjoy long, lazy days at the beach, pancakes on Saturday morning, Catch Phrase, and generally having a fantastic time together, but we digress...

We believe that photos and videos are family treasures. Life moves at a breakneck pace, and we need to look back at our family photos to be reminded of how our spouse looked at us as they slipped a wedding band on our finger, how our newborn baby’s nose wrinkled when he yawned, and how beautiful our families were, are, and always will be. We love being the ones to capture those priceless moments. We like to think of ourselves as family historians, and we would love to document the people you love most so that you can remember them, just as they are now, forever.


Privacy is important to us too and many of our clients have requested to keep their content offline. However, we have a number of examples of our work posted so please enjoy!

Videos listed on Vimeo and YouTube

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